Saturday, August 8, 2009

Summers last month

Oh August! Dear, dear, August. For all of our youth you tormented us into realizing the inevitable school season was starting in a few short weeks, forcing us to squeeze enjoyment out of the remaining hot days and preparing for another season. Anticipation for athletes as practices start for fall sports. Shopping for the "What's Hot to Wear" items. Basically a month of preoccupation. Preoccupation of the new and different. The season changes to indicate the beginning-of-the-end of the year... Introducing a new school year, new car models, football season, home purchases in full swing. Gets you in a good mood for the last quarter of the year. Or is supposed to anyway.

The worst cold/sickness/virus I ever got was in an August. I lost 15 pounds off a very tall, very skinny 17 year old body before my senior year. I lost my virginity one August. Moved to Wisconsin one August for college. Always buy clothes in August, even though I'm not in school anymore... Stop using my air conditioning in August.

August does a lot. Cool, scary, and otherwise.

This August will be the last carefree weekdays for my twins. They will start kindergarten in September. I'm a little weary, but very excited about pushing them into social environments with all different types of kids and adults. For right now my kids are just right. Sweet, cute, funny, a little sassy, never listening very well, fighting, playing, playing to mom and dad's emotions... I wouldn't have it any other way. Public school will welcome my two little sweetshits in a few weeks and I hope it will carry with it the same anticipation it did for me when I was a kid. Especially cause my wife and I are not equipped to home-school anything bigger than 20" covered in fur and unable to speak...

Good luck kiddos! I'll be here for you in better or worse, in sickness and in health, and til I kick it... Be good, stand up for yourself, stand up for others, and try and learn something...

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