Monday, May 18, 2009

Itchy Monday

Why is it that Mondays get such a bad wrap? Is it because it's the first day after the weekend we work so hard to get to, only to be met with a day of work that starts with a healthy attitude, probably because of the recent weekend, and then slips immediately into "God I can't wait until Friday again."? Some people are lucky enough to have jobs they enjoy or are challenging in a proactive way. Most of us however, have the typical jobs where we mostly like the people we work with, sort of enjoy the work, somewhat don't mind the commute, and pacify ourselves with the paycheck every fourteen days. In reality Mondays are the "Time to make the doughnuts" day. Only becoming something to look forward to when a Monday is a random day off, or your wife's birthday...

My Monday job is a bit of a conundrum. It can be challenging in a good way, has provided good opportunity for me, and most importantly has taught me a lot in a relatively short period of time. But, even the good jobs get bumps in the road. My bump is in the form of a multi-personality personality. Though very distinct and intelligent in certain ways, when these personalities commune in meetings, project execution, or even something as simple as changing a light bulb they can be more counter-productive than Michael Moore at a Kate Hudson movie premiere.

Of course Tuesday comes and a whole new personality walks in. But, Kate Hudson showing up at a Michael Moore movie premiere wouldn't really seem all that odd???

Feels like Monday doesn't it...

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